Saturday, June 13, 2009


I knew this would happen! I keep calling her the wrong thing in my head, so I guess it is too late now. At least it isn't bothering me anymore. Lots of people have weird names anyway. Also if anyone can get away with "Illustrious" as a middle name, then I can get away with a silly goddessy first name.

Names are hard. I've realized lately that I hate Selene's name. So I gave her a new one after many long hours of frustration and lots of trips to Behind the Name.

This is what we call a "Maria".
It sounds better, and also does not sound like a poorly planned fan character I would have made when I was about thirteen. Also it means that I don't have to remember to put 'se' or 'sa' instead of just 's' when scripting.
Have another drawing that is even older than the first one in this post:

I really need to figure out how to truncate posts on this thing.